Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB)


The Civilian Complaint Review Board (“CCRB”) meets the second Wednesday of every month. Established on July 5, 1993, the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) is an independent agency with the power to receive, investigate, hear, make findings, recommend action upon and prosecute complaints by members of the public against members of the New York City Police Department that allege misconduct involving the use of excessive or unnecessary force, abuse of authority, discourtesy or use of offensive language. All personnel on staff are civilians.

The Board is comprised of 13 civilian members, five members selected by the Mayor, including the chair; five members designated by the City Council (one representative for each borough) and three members designated by the Police Commissioner. Police Commissioner designees are the only members permitted to have law enforcement backgrounds. Board members serve for three-year terms and until a replacement is appointed.



  100 Church St., 10th Fl. New York, NY 10007    Map this

Contact Numbers

Public Information:  (212) 912-7235
Complaint Hotline:  311
Complaint Hotline:  (800) 341-CCRB

Board Members

Interim Chair - Dr. Mohammad Khalid
Mayoral Appointee - John Seigal, Esq.
Mayoral Appointee - Kevin Jemmott
Mayoral Appointee - June Northern
Mayoral Appointee - Arva Rice
Mayoral Appointee - Pat Smith
City Council Designee (Brooklyn) - Herman Merritt, Esq.
City Council Designee (Queens) - A.U. Hogan
City Council Designee (Manhattan) - Joseph A. Puma
City Council Designee (Bronx) - Vacant
City Council Designee (Staten Island) - Dr. Mohammad Khalid
Police Commissioner Designee - Frank Dwyer
Police Commissioner Designee - Charlane Brown-Wyands
Police Commissioner Designee - Joseph Fox
Public Advocate Designee - Esmeralda Simmons


Jonathan Darche, Esq. , Executive Director.
(212) 912-2097
Senior Advisor to the Executive Director/Director of Outreach & Intergovernmental Affairs - Yojaira Alvarez
(212) 912-7275
General Counsel - Matthew Kadushin, Esq.
(212) 912 - 2013
Deputy Executive Director, Administration - Jeanine Marie
(212) 912-2092
Chief, Investigations - Mercer "Monte" Givhan
(212) 912-2082
Chief Prosecutor, Administrative Prosecution Unit - Andre Applewhite, Esq.
(212) 912-2059