Borough President - Queens


The Borough Presidents are the executive officials of each borough. The City Charter gives them authority to: work with the Mayor in preparing the annual executive budget submitted to the City Council and to propose borough budget priorities directly to the council; review and comment on major land use decisions and propose sites for city facilities within their respective boroughs; monitor and modify the delivery of city services within their boroughs; and engage in strategic planning for their boroughs. Each Borough President appoints a member of the New York City Board of Education and a member of the City Planning Commission. Each also is a trustee of the New York City Employees' Retirement System. The Borough Presidents appoint members to Community Boards who serve without compensation, and each chairs a Borough Board. Each Borough President maintains a topographical bureau. The Borough President must be a citizen of the United States and resident of the borough when elected and throughout the term of office.
A Borough President may be removed by the Governor only on charges after a hearing. Pending the preparation and disposition of charges, the governor may suspend a borough president for a period not exceeding thirty days. Vacancies shall be filled in a prompt special election for the remainder of the term. The council delegation for the borough shall select an acting Borough President to serve until the special election. The Mayor is required to call the meetings at which such acting officials are to be named, but has no vote except in case of a tie.



Islands under jurisdiction: Big Egg Marsh, Duck Creek Marsh, East, East High Meadow, Jo Co Marsh, Mussel, Rulers Bar Hassock, Silver Hole Marsh, South Brother, The Raunt, West.


  120-55 Queens Blvd., Kew Gardens NY, 11424    Map this

Contact Numbers

(718) 286-3000
Fax:  (718) 286-2876


Donovan Richards, Jr. , President of the Borough. $179,200.
Term start Jan 1, 2022, ends Dec 31, 2025
Chief of Staff - Michael D. Mallon
(718) 970-0358
Deputy Borough President - Ebony Young
(718) 286-2891
General Counsel - Allan Swisher
(718) 286-2880
Scheduler to the Borough President - Sorena Fabre
(718) 286-2871
Assistant to the Chief of Staff - Leticia Hoyte
(718) 286-2872
Assistant to the Deputy Borough President - Jonathan Imperial
(718) 286-2890
Director, Communications - Chris Barca
(718) 286-2641
Deputy Chief of Staff - Vacant
Deputy General Counsel/Intergovernmental Affairs - Tariqua Morrison
(718) 286-2880
