Investigation for the NYC School District, Special Commissioner of


The Office of the Special Commissioner of Investigation for the New York City School District (“SCI”) is an independent law enforcement agency that has broad authority to investigate wrongdoing by employees, contractors, and vendors doing business with the New York City Department of Education (“DOE”) - the nation’s largest school district. The office investigates corruption and other crimes, conflicts of interest, unethical conduct and other misconduct within the School District of the City of New York.



  80 Maiden Lane, 20th Floor New York, NY 10038    Map this

Contact Numbers

Public Information:  (212) 510-1400
Fax:  (212) 510-1550
Complaint Hotline (24 Hours):  (212) 510-1500
Toll Free, dial (877) 888-TELL:  (877) 888-8355


Anastasia Coleman , Special Commissioner of Investigation.
(212) 510-1400
First Deputy Commissioner - Daniel Schlachet
(212) 510-1400
Deputy Commissioner - Gerald P. Conroy
(212) 510-1486
Special Counsel - Valerie A. Batista
(212) 510-1417
Special Counsel - Catherine Murphy-Garcia
(212) 510-1423
Special Counsel - Ann E. Ryan
(212) 510-1493
Special Counsel - Stephen Boniberger
(212) 510-1440
Chief Investigator - Michael S Bisogna
(212) 510-1411
Deputy Chief Investigator - Jeffrey Anderson
(212) 510-1434
HR Director / Office Administrator - Whitley Privette
(212) 510-1420