NYC Residential Mortgage Insurance Corporation (REMIC)


REMIC is a subsidiary corporation of the New York City Housing Development Corporation and a public benefit corporation of the State of New York, established in 1993 under Section 654-d of the Private Housing Finance Law.
REMIC encourages the investment of private mortgage capital in the acquisition, preservation, rehabilitation and construction of New York City's housing stock. Its primary responsibility is to insure mortgage loans that are made by the lending institutions on the residential properties located throughout the City of New York. REMIC is composed of the seven members of the New York City Housing Development Corporation and two additional public members appointed by the Mayor who continue to serve until a successor has been appointed.



  120 Broadway, 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10271    Map this

Contact Numbers

(212) 227-5500
Fax:  (212) 227-6865


Chairperson - Adolfo CarriĆ³n, Jr. , Ex officio
Jacques Jiha, Ph.D , Ex officio
Preston Niblack , Ex officio
Harry E. Gould, Jr.
Mayoral Appointee.
Marc Norman
Appointed by Mayoral
Sarah Gerecke
Appointed by Mayoral
Denise Scott
Gubernatorial Appointee .
Charles G. Moerdler, Esq.
Gubernatorial Appointee.
Thomas Manning
Mayoral Appointee.


President - Eric Enderlin